MonkeyCalc - RPN Calculator for Mac OS X

an RPN Calculator for Mac OS X

MonkeyCalc 0.95 beta
MonkeyCalc 0.95 beta
Mac OS X 10.4+

MonkeyCalc is an arbitrary precision, reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator for Mac OS X. MonkeyCalc supports any numeric precision, over 10,000 significant digits. The RPN stack is fully interactive with support for drag and drop, in place editing, cut and paste, reordering, etc. Numbers can be displayed in fixed precision, full precision, scientific notation, or automatically formatted to fit the window width.

The window can be resized, and the input buttons can be hidden if desired for a very compact calculator. Full keyboard support is also included, every function may be performed with ease without the use of the mouse.

MonkeyCalc is extensible. Functions are implemented in plugins, and additional functions can easily be added. A full array of common mathematical functions is included in the standard distribution. Undesired plugins can easily be disabled through the preferences dialog. If you would like to develop your own plugins, please email us for the plugin SDK.

Users can store numbers from the stack in user variables, which are persistent between sessions. Multiple calculator windows can be open simultaneously to perform several unrelated sets of computations. Stacks can be saved and opened between sessions, even automatically upon quitting, if desired.

MonkeyCalc is distributed free of charge, however if you find it useful and wish to support further development, please consider making a donation.

Please send any bug reports or feature requests to

Functions and Variables

Drag & Drop

General Preferences

Plugin Preferences
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