Should I buy an item from your Etsy shop, your festival booth, or from my local shop?
Since many of our items are unique hand made art, the same exact item will not be available in more than one place. Our Etsy listings are pulled from our show stock, and may be the same items from a past show, but not the other way around. Local stores always receive unique items that are not available on our Etsy shop, nor at our shows. We charge the same price on Etsy as we do at shows, and encourage shops we sell to to do the same.
Do you have a mailing list for announcements and news?
No, we do not have a mailing list. Instead we publish our announcements and news on our News page. This page has an RSS feed, so you can configure your feed reader or email program to notify you whenever there is a new article.
Etsy Shop
Do you have more of "Colorway X"?
No. We list all of a given colorway on Etsy at the same time. The photos show all of the yarn, fabric, or other product that we had, if the quantity available is less, it means someone else has purchased the others.
Can I get the same product from my local store or your festival booth?
Generally not. Once we list an item on Etsy we will not remove it, until it is sold or the listing expires. In the case of hand dyed items, we list all of any given colorway, so none are available for sale elsewhere. Most of our items are unique, and while we sell similar items at festivals and to local stores, they are not identical.
However certain products which are not unique, such as photo prints, are available on Etsy as well as other sources.
Will you send me an email whenever you add more products to the Etsy shop?
No. We feel that Etsy has plenty of tools to notify customers of our new items. The easiest way to be notified about every new item we add to our shop is to subscribe to the RSS feed on our Etsy shop page.
How often do you add new products to the Etsy shop?
Generally every Wednesday night, unless we are preparing or traveling to a festival or show.
An item on Etsy looks like one I saw at a festival, is it the same?
Probably, yes. We take our Etsy listings from our show stock, so it is quite likely the same item.
Shows, Festivals & Fairs
How often do you go to shows, festivals or fairs?
We try to make it to one show a month, if possible. Next year we plan to attend several large shows, including Stitches West, and the Maryland Wool Market. Check the Upcoming Shows page for a list.
Why should I go to a festival when I can just buy your product online?
Because it's fun! We have considerably more stock at festivals than is listed at any one time on Etsy. Plus, it's a great opportunity to handle the products, and see how they are used in person.
Yarn & Fiber
I like Colorway X, but you only have one left, will you make more?
No. Our colorways are each unique. Each dye batch is new and exciting, we do not record our dye recipes or repeat them. We may dye more yarn that is similar, but it will not be the same. Each time we dye, the colors are inspired by things and events around us. Sometimes even we don't know what colors we re going to produce.
These two skeins have the same colorway name, but one is darker than the other, what gives?
Being hand dyed, every skein is unique. Even two skeins that are dyed at the same time, even touching each other, will have some variations in color. Sometimes these differences are more pronounced than others.
This colorway has the same name as an older yarn, but the colors are totally different, why?
Sometimes it can be hard to think of new and interesting names for colorways. We make sure that we do not have two colorways with the same name in stock at the same time, but otherwise do not keep track of all the names we've used. Eventually a new colorway will be named the same as an old colorway, this is inevitable.